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envy_lin 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

Build up a blog for my novelette, you comments, please?


通往愛情婚姻的列車,以全球經營的方式,行駛在不同國家和城市,每個地點都設置了五個可供停靠的月台, 而每個月台的列車佈置皆不相同,並且乘車條件、乘車期間和車資也不一樣,因此列車會載著不同條件的乘客駛往各個他們想要抵達的目的地。乘客可以選擇下車的地點,然後再轉往他處,但是若是想轉換月台,則必須合乎各個月台的搭乘條件才允許轉乘。

envy_lin 發表在 痞客邦 留言(8) 人氣()

I finally completed the 2nd novelette, I will continue to write my 3rd novelette during the Chinese New Year if I'm not too lazy 

I will have a business trip to Europe (Netherlands) after Chinese New Year, then I probably will need to run my own workshop in March, therefore, I won't be able to go skip during March in Japan. What a shame, I plan & expect to go ski for a long time already.

It will be a challenge year for me, so many things need to do as I just finished my performance appraisal with my boss who assigned me a lot of work for year 2006. Wish me luck lah!
Hope you have a great Chinese New Year!

envy_lin 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

Happy New Year!

Did you go to 101 for count down year 2005 & welcome the year 2006?

I attended a wedding banquet around 6:30pm on 31st of Dec, 2005, then I went to see a film, Narnia, until 11:30pm. Finally, we went to one of our friend's office, which nearly 101 building, so we've seen the beautiful firework, of course, also not really enjoyed the traffic jam while we're back to home. Anyway, it was a great start of a new year to see the wonderful fireworks, it's amazing!


I'm lucky that I usually will find different interests in different age while I felt boring or felt that I should do something instead of wasting my life, for example, take photos, play piano, play cello, play squash, watch films, and now writing stories.


            I started to write the stories & published my stories on MSN blog on Apr 2005, I think it's great that I found out I'm able to write articles in Chinese, and also I've got positive feedback from my own friends who usually laugh at me that I don't speak good Chinese (it didn't mean that I'm good at English, actually I am not good at any languages at all). Anyway, writing stories now become my most important hobby due to my education background (I've been lived in England for 6 years for my undergraduate & postgraduate studies), and now I live in Taipei & working on a semiconductor industry at the moment, this company is an European multinational company, and I have some chances to travel in several places for business, therefore, I'm able to know different people who all over the world, and of course, I'd like to write down what I've seen during traveling (overseas or domestic traveling). Usually, I will forward the articles to my friends & colleagues, or publish them on my MSN blog.


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雖然如此,但是為了支持Wesyu的活動(因為他也是我的贊助者之一),所以在此幫他宣傳一下囉!希望看到此篇文章的人,不一定要投票給我,但可以參考和看看其他優秀的入圍者作品,並選出你們喜歡的 Space.

順便 祝各位 佳節愉快!

Merry X'mas & Happy New Year!


P.S. 還有很高興自己的第一篇中篇小說完成,雖然無法在MSN Space 發佈這篇小說,那是因為我喜歡將它印出來並裝訂起來看的感覺,但是還是在這裡跟大家講一下我非常興奮的心情!我會先印好裝訂起來,然後分享給自己的朋友看,然後希望得到他們的回應,如果效果不錯,再看看能該如何分享給我的贊助者觀看。要成為我的贊助者其實很容易,只要依照以下的標準即可達成,請參考http://spaces.msn.com/members/envy716/Blog/cns!1puPR0F60PZ0NyZI8bdVswCQ!452.entry



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envy_lin 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Currently I'm working on a novel, which is talking about the relationship....Love, Marriage, etc. 
The problem that the people now just encounetering or already occured or will happen in the future..........probably , you never know!
The novel contains 5 short stories, which actually happend in the same time. It just like people who live in the same building, but each flat/family has their own story to tell........
So while u're reading the No. 2 story , u will find the people who show up in No. 2 story, the person also can be found in story No. 5.
Anyway, I'd like to write the story using the suspicious way, therefore, the readers will find interesting & wish to carry on.
Now, I just finished 13,600 words and currently I'm stuck on the story No. 4..........

envy_lin 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()

I received a call from an editor of ETtoday last night, he told me that he'd like to publish the article, which I sent it to them 2 weeks ago.
I was pretty happy & immediatelly agreed on it even there is no pay for publish the article on their website. He even invited me to create a blog on their website, well, maybe it's a good idea......I'm not sure?
Anyway, this morning I checked the website and found my article on the 論壇 category, I also found out that the other writers who they selected on 論壇 category, they are quite famous, and I'm glad that I'm on the list, too.............
 [My article listed on the 1st !!!]

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1. 不小心在新增網誌看到,跑進來的好奇寶寶:NT$1,000(抵價商品:在留言版留言一次以上)

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