Whoever Finds This, I Love You
有天早上站在書櫃前尋找是否有我想看的書時,隨手拿起一本書,在翻閱其內容時突然看到內夾一張百貨公司餐廳折價單,我想一定是某位讀者用來看此書時,拿來當作臨時書籤。有時我也會發現另一有趣現象,如讀者會將自己的讀後感寫在他們看過的書裏。甚至有些細心的讀者會將印刷錯誤的字修正,甚至有時你讀到一半,突然發現前文與後文接不起來時,也會發現書裡有貼心的警告標示寫上 “缺頁26~28頁”。有些讀者會讀書讀到一半,可能突然想到重要的事情或接到電話,臨時找不到備用紙,而將需做事項寫在書裡,這些有趣的現象,我想是常上圖書館借書的讀者應該會遇到的情形。就因為這樣無意間掉出的一張廣告單,讓我想到一個好主意。
還記得Whoever finds this, I love you. 這首歌嗎? 小孩子因為寂寞而將她心理的想法表達在紙條上,盼望著有人會撿到她的紙條,然後可以與她說話聊天的對象。
"Whoever finds this, I love you!""Whoever finds this, I need you!""I don't even have no one to talk to.""So, whoever finds this, I love you!"
On a quiet street in the city a little old man walks along.
Shuffling through the Autumn afternoon.
And the Autumn leaves reminded him another summer's come and gone.
He had a long, lonely night ahead waitin' for June.
Then among the leaves near an orphan's home a piece of paper caught his eye,
And he stooped to pick it up with trembling hands.
And as he read the childish writing, the old man began to cry,
'Cause the words burned inside him like a flame.
"Whoever finds this, I love you!""Whoever finds this, I need you!"
"I ain't even got no one to talk to!"
"So, Whoever finds this, I love you!" The old man's eyes searched the orphan's home,
And cam to rest upon a child with her nose pressed up against the window pane.
And the old man knew he'd found a friend, at last,
So he waved at her and smiled.
And they both knew they'd spend the winter laughing at the rain.
And they did spend the summer laughing at the rain,
Talking through the fence,
Exchanging little gifts they'd made for each other.
The old man would carve toys for the little girl,
And she would draw pictures for him of beautiful ladies surrounded by green trees and sunshine,
And they laughed a lot.
But then on the first day of June,
The little girl ran to the fence to show the man a picture she had drawn,
But he wasn't there!
And somehow, the little girl knew he wasn't coming back.
So she went back to her little room,
Took out a crayola and a piece of paper, and wrote: "Whoever finds this, I love you!"
"Whoever finds this, I need you!"
"I don't even have no one to talk to."
"So, whoever finds this, I love you!"