
Day 3- Tonami Royal Hotel (06/02/2006):

Tonami Royal Hotel (礪波溫泉飯店) is famous on their open-air hot spring rock bath. After this Tateyama trip this morning, we all felt exhausted & would like to have a nice bath.


The APA Resort in Myoko-Pine Valley also has an open-air hot spring bath, but comparing with Tonami Royal Hotel, Tonami’s one is much better, the hot spring quality contain Sodium, Chloride, and it helps you on medicinal benefits, too. For example, poor circulation, muscular pain, frozen shoulder problem, etc.




Tonami Royal Hotel  礪波溫泉飯店  open-air hot spring rock bath, picture was taken from hotel website, picture was taken from hotel internet wesbite.

Chapel  結婚禮堂



After our dinner on Tonami Royal hotel, we walked around the facilities that the hotel provided before we took the hot spring bath.

We found there is a chapel just along with the garden, so we decided to look around inside. It’s a cozy and sweet decoration inside of this chapel. I’ve seen several Japanese drama and found out the chapel scenery is really often to be shoot in the Japanese drama. It seems that all the Japanese girls will need to have their wedding ceremony in the chapel to fulfill one of their childhood dream.


就在飯店庭院旁的地方,我們發現了一個小禮拜堂。 因為常在日劇看到這樣的場景,所以很好奇它裡面的設備,所以我們一群人就偷偷溜進去瞧瞧,發覺它裡面的佈置非常溫馨可愛。似乎每個日本女生都夢想著一定要在結婚禮堂舉辦婚禮,才算完成她們年少時的夢想。  

Inside of Chapel 禮堂裡面

Inside of Chapel  禮堂裡面的另一角度


I cannot remember if I’ve ever dreamed to have a wedding ceremony in the chapel, but after I’ve seen the electronic organ, it indeed to remind my childhood. Most of my friends, they probably didn’t know that I played piano & electronic organ in the western restaurant while I was age 10. The reason why I’ve been played piano & electronic organ in the restaurant, because my teacher has a part time job in the restaurant, and my parents usually will take me to there to see my teacher’s performance, because of the free steak and cola that the restaurant owner will treat me, therefore, I also played some songs for the restaurant owners.

Maybe I’ve been trained to be able to perform in front of public, a few years later (age 12~13), we even have our own band (included a drum, a piano, 2 electronic organs, 1 keyboard) and have our own tour show in the city hall, junior high school & high school in the middle of Taiwan.

It has been a while that I didn’t play this instrument, so when I was sitting on it, I already cannot remember how to play it at all. I only can sit there and dreamt of my childhood that I already forgot. I even haven’t got one photo & video left, maybe I can check with my older brother if he still keep some photo & video about the concert.






Day 4- Shirakawa-go Gassho-zukuri Village recognized as World Heritage! 白川鄉合掌村已被指定為世界遺產  (06/03/2006):


Shirakawa Village (白川鄉) is located in the northwestern part of Gifu Prefecture (崎阜縣).
It is a typical mountain village that is surrounded by mountains. Mountains and forests account
for 96% of the area and the remaining
4% is cultivated land.


Shirakawa-go Gassho-zukuri Village

World Heritage 世界遺產



Winter scenery冬天情景,好像有小精靈
Picture was taken from Shirakawa-go
Gassho-zukuri Village official internet website.

Summer scenery 夏天情景


I wish I will have a chance to live here during the winter season, the house covered by the white snow and seems have several little fairies live inside of the house.


Hida-Takayama temple   高山飛驒前的一家廟。

Hida-Takayama ancient street   


After we visited the World Heritage, the tour guide took us to Hida-Takayama, 
which is famous on its ancient street. People said that it similar to Kyoto city.
In the ancient time, Kyoto was the capital of Japan.

After walk around this ancient street of Hida-Takayam, we directly went to Nagoya city center.
We visited the Nagoya temple first, and then walk around the city center.
Finally, the tour guide told us that Japan will move their capital city from Tokoy to Nagoya.
I don't know if this is true?


Nagoya temple 名古屋廟


Nagoya City Center – Nagoya Tower 
Picture was taken by one of my friend



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