Day 3-  Ogisawa (扇澤) è Korobe Dam (黑部水壩) è Kurobedaire (黑部平) è Daikanbo (大觀峰) è Murodo (室堂) è Bijodaira (美女平) è Tateyama station (立山站) (06/02/2006):


Along with Mt.Fuji and Mt.Hakusan, Tateyama is one of Japan's Three Sacred Mountains and has been worshiped since ancient times.

This sight seeing place is our main purpose of this trip, we’re lucky that the weather is nice & able to reach our destination. The tour guide told us there are several people has been joined Tateyama tour several times, because of the bad weather or the cable car is on repair status, therefore, they won’t be able to reach the destination.


We took our own tour bus to Ogisawa station (扇澤站), and starting from here, you will need to take their transportations to reach different scenery, because private cars are prohibited to enter this area. We took Kanden Tunnel Trolley Bus from Ogisawa (扇澤) to Kurobe dam (黑部水壩), it will take you around 16 mints to reach there.

Ogisawa station (扇澤站), this is our tour bus.

Trolley Bus


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Tateyama, Korobe Trip      立山黑部之旅


We joined a package tour with 5 days 4 nights to Taeyama, Korobe (in the middle of Japan) due to it's more convenience and cheaper than we arrange the trip ourselves.


  • First Day-we arrived at Nagoya airport which located in the Chubu region - see "D" (05/31/2006):

The 1st day we stayed in the OGAKI-EKIMAE APA hotel, which located in GiFu Prefecture(歧阜縣) we enjoy our little hot spring on the top of the hotel (see picture below), I'm glad that we can take our shower here due to our room is extremely small, I'm hardly to unpack my luggage or turn myself around in my little single room.

We took the late flight to Japan, so when we arrive this hotel, it already around 10:00pm, therefore, we only went to the convenient store to buy some drink. The tour guide actually invited us to the Japanese bar (居酒屋). Unfortunately, I was too tired, so I didn't go with them. If you have a chance to visit Japan, you must invite a local people to take you to experience the Japanese bar. This is the place for the people who didn't want to go home directly after work, they usually will come to this place, and have saki (Japanese wine), or beers with colleagues, friends, or chatting with the bar owner if you visit alone. I think it just like British pub, no matter where you're from in the world, people will need to find someone to talk to, and drink wine/beers to make themselves drunk and try to forget the bad things have been happened to them. So I'm sure if you visit these places, you won't complain that "I ain't even got no one to talk to!"





Map of Japan

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Build up a blog for my novelette, you comments, please?


通往愛情婚姻的列車,以全球經營的方式,行駛在不同國家和城市,每個地點都設置了五個可供停靠的月台, 而每個月台的列車佈置皆不相同,並且乘車條件、乘車期間和車資也不一樣,因此列車會載著不同條件的乘客駛往各個他們想要抵達的目的地。乘客可以選擇下車的地點,然後再轉往他處,但是若是想轉換月台,則必須合乎各個月台的搭乘條件才允許轉乘。

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 Coffee, Tea or Me?





【抓不住愛情的我    總是眼睜睜的看它溜走

世界上幸福的人到處有   為何不能算我一個】


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   Por Una Cabeza這首曲子,若翻成英文則是『By the head of a horse 』,字面翻譯是『以一個馬頭的距離』,就是指賽馬的時候,勝負只在一個馬頭之間,中文翻成『一步之差』,是很合邏輯、充滿意境的。此首曲子是阿根廷探戈舞曲的極致代表、也是全世界樂迷所最為熟知而深深愛上探戈旋律,是由阿根廷史上最負盛名的探戈歌手卡洛斯葛戴爾 (Carlos Gardel) 所作,在 1935 年發表的一首阿根廷Tango舞曲。曾出現在電影女人香(Scent of a Women, 1992) 『辛德勒的名單 (Schindler’s List, 1993) 』及『魔鬼大帝之真實謊言 (True Lies, 1994) 』等電影中出現過,但是以女人香這部片子最廣為人知

Por Una Cabeza是一首阿根廷式的Tango舞曲,曲式為ABAB。首段呈現出一種慵懶及幽默的風味,進到B段轉小調,進而轉變、呈現出激情的感覺;接著又轉回大調,兩把提琴做對位及合聲的表現,兩部似敵似友的較勁與合作充分展現了兩人的默契,小提琴之後的鋼琴、手風琴猶如畫龍點睛般增添了『若即若離』的風味;進到B段又將情緒推到最高點,最後再突然地以一個漸慢回到首調。





大調音樂通常較為快樂、大方、平實的感覺 -> 所以評論家認為A旋律是呈現出一種慵懶及幽默的風味小調音樂通常較為悲傷、或有轉折的改變 -> 所以評論家認為B旋律是進而轉變、呈現出激情的感覺



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今年元宵節的前一天 (2006211) ,與同事相約至菁桐放天燈,已經盼望了幾年的願望,終於今年得已實行。




前幾年有曾經放過天燈,可是都是與朋友兩人一起放而已,今年與一群你不認識的人一起放天燈的感覺很棒,集體一起向老天祈求願望,比較熱鬧,或許也比較能被注意到。於是我們先向大會登記,這樣不僅能與一群人一起放天燈之外,還可得到免費的天燈,當天總共有10組,我和同事登記在第八組─ 吉星高照組 (第九組是愛情久久;第十組是十全十美) 是依照不同放天燈時間而分配不同組,選擇第八組是因為第九組已滿額,而第七或第十組…一個放的時間太早怕陽光太亮看不出天燈的美麗;一個放的時間太晚怕火車會塞爆,於是選擇了第八組。




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I finally completed the 2nd novelette, I will continue to write my 3rd novelette during the Chinese New Year if I'm not too lazy 

I will have a business trip to Europe (Netherlands) after Chinese New Year, then I probably will need to run my own workshop in March, therefore, I won't be able to go skip during March in Japan. What a shame, I plan & expect to go ski for a long time already.

It will be a challenge year for me, so many things need to do as I just finished my performance appraisal with my boss who assigned me a lot of work for year 2006. Wish me luck lah!
Hope you have a great Chinese New Year!

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Happy New Year!

Did you go to 101 for count down year 2005 & welcome the year 2006?

I attended a wedding banquet around 6:30pm on 31st of Dec, 2005, then I went to see a film, Narnia, until 11:30pm. Finally, we went to one of our friend's office, which nearly 101 building, so we've seen the beautiful firework, of course, also not really enjoyed the traffic jam while we're back to home. Anyway, it was a great start of a new year to see the wonderful fireworks, it's amazing!


I'm lucky that I usually will find different interests in different age while I felt boring or felt that I should do something instead of wasting my life, for example, take photos, play piano, play cello, play squash, watch films, and now writing stories.


            I started to write the stories & published my stories on MSN blog on Apr 2005, I think it's great that I found out I'm able to write articles in Chinese, and also I've got positive feedback from my own friends who usually laugh at me that I don't speak good Chinese (it didn't mean that I'm good at English, actually I am not good at any languages at all). Anyway, writing stories now become my most important hobby due to my education background (I've been lived in England for 6 years for my undergraduate & postgraduate studies), and now I live in Taipei & working on a semiconductor industry at the moment, this company is an European multinational company, and I have some chances to travel in several places for business, therefore, I'm able to know different people who all over the world, and of course, I'd like to write down what I've seen during traveling (overseas or domestic traveling). Usually, I will forward the articles to my friends & colleagues, or publish them on my MSN blog.


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雖然如此,但是為了支持Wesyu的活動(因為他也是我的贊助者之一),所以在此幫他宣傳一下囉!希望看到此篇文章的人,不一定要投票給我,但可以參考和看看其他優秀的入圍者作品,並選出你們喜歡的 Space.

順便 祝各位 佳節愉快!

Merry X'mas & Happy New Year!


P.S. 還有很高興自己的第一篇中篇小說完成,雖然無法在MSN Space 發佈這篇小說,那是因為我喜歡將它印出來並裝訂起來看的感覺,但是還是在這裡跟大家講一下我非常興奮的心情!我會先印好裝訂起來,然後分享給自己的朋友看,然後希望得到他們的回應,如果效果不錯,再看看能該如何分享給我的贊助者觀看。要成為我的贊助者其實很容易,只要依照以下的標準即可達成,請參考!1puPR0F60PZ0NyZI8bdVswCQ!452.entry



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Romain Duris (羅曼杜里斯) 飾演男主角Tom,除了幫爸爸與付不起房租的房客討債外,也處理房地產事宜,媽媽是一位鋼琴演奏家,從小受媽媽的音樂薰陶,所以Tom非常熱愛古典音樂,後來媽媽去世後,Tom幫忙爸爸的事業,結果慢慢就將古典音樂遺忘而熱愛起電子音樂。

Tom有天經過演奏廳,看到媽媽以前的經紀人,經紀人想起曾經聽過Tom小時候彈琴,效果似乎不錯,於是提出要Tom到他的公司參加試演會。就因為媽媽經紀人的一句話,Tom竟然天真的認為…或許有機會成為演奏家的機會。於是Tom 找了一個剛到法國的越籍留學生妙玲幫他準備試演會的曲目,Tom除了每天繼續進行不法的地下房地產生意和幫忙討債外,生活上又多了練琴和學琴的時間。





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